
Is technology making it harder to meet people?

Tracy and her husband, Jim

When I get asked how I met my husband of 10 years, I answer, “It was totally random.”  I get a look of surprise because it truly was happenstance.  I was walking out of my place of employment to find an event being hosted by the company my husband worked for at the time.  A colleague asked me to join the conversation he was having, so I did.  There I met a variety of people, one of whom is now my husband.  Looking back on that situation, I don’t know if I would’ve met him knowing the way we use technology today.

Let’s imagine that instead of me looking around and catching the attention of my colleague, I was texting on my phone or on a call.  My colleague would’ve noticed I was “busy” and probably would not have invited me to join his conversation – thereby missing my chance to meet my husband.

In just talking to a co-worker about the fact far too many people are spending their time in lines, bars, restaurants, waiting rooms, cars, stores, parks, beaches and streets while on their phones means they’re staring more at a screen than the people around them. 

When was the last time you found yourself in casual conversation with someone randomly because you were in the same place at the same time?  This is how acquaintances, friendships, and relationships come about – by interacting with each other in the environment we’re in.  It’s enjoying the moment and making the most of it. 

Take a week without using your phone other than to actually talk to someone.  Look around you.  Observe and interact with the people you’re sharing a place or experience with.  You may be surprised with who you meet.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely agree with this. Maybe I'm old...but i never quite got on board with this staring at the blackberry 24/7 to begin with.

    I don't understand how it can be so addictive to some people that not only can they not take their eyes off of it while standing in line...but even when meeting others at a lunch or for drinks. I had a meeting with someone I had known for years but never met in person and she made it clear it wasn't as interesting for her since all she could do the whole time was stare at her phone and trade texts with people.

    Oh well- live and learn.


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