
Set a Successful Resolution Before the New Year

I have never been a big fan of New Year's Resolutions. I guess this is because most people don't keep them and I like to see people progress. In fact, 80% of resolutions aren't even followed by January 31st. "What prohibits people like me from maintaining a resolution?" you may ask. It could be a few things such as:

Your resolution is not specific. "I'm going to work out more" is not a specific goal if you're desiring to be in shape for spring break, yet you only going to start hitting the gym January 4th and spring break vacation is in March. Breaking down this resolution into a few easy steps can really keep you on track. For example: "I'm going to go to the gym at least four days a week and drink protein shakes instead of weeknight beers to get in shape for my spring break trip" is a more specific goal to set for yourself.

You're resolution isn't attainable and you know it. "I'm going to work out more" isn't attainable if you don't have a gym membership or know you're going to be working long hours the next few months, which will prohibit you from working out. You're blocking yourself from success because as you know, we're our own worst enemy. Discovering ways you can work out more regardless of your situation and uncovering your motivations for why you want to work out more can help you achieve your resolution.

Making sure your resolution is on a timeline, that your resolution can be monitored and is focused on an outcome are other keys to a successful resolution.

Nudge coaching can help you set and achieve your resolutions (and more!) throughout 2010.

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