
Dealing with the Plight of Today's Workforce...Before it's Too Late

A study released today by The Conference Board indicates only “45% of respondents are satisfied with their jobs...a sharp decline from 1987, when 61.1% indicated they were satisfied.”  The director of The Conference Board goes on to state a concern for those who are working; that they will continue to grow increasingly unhappy, leading to low productivity.  I believe this is highly probable, if not already happening all around the country.  Productivity and morale will continue to decline as long as people in the workforce evaluate their situation. 

There are far fewer people working to do the jobs of multiple people who have been laid off or if someone did leave willfully, their position was not refilled.  Increased stress, ‘survivor syndrome’, longer working hours, less social time and fun both in and out of the office, combined with less pay and unpaid time off as a “reward” for staying employed would make any individual feel unappreciated, exhausted, stressed and unsatisfied with their job.  I would know.  I've been there and saw it happen as my colleagues felt those who were laid off were luckier than the rest of us who were "stuck" working.

Employers need to realize that the negative position they are trying to avoid by cutting pay, making people work longer, etc. is the actually putting their employees in the exact negative position they wanted to avoid from the start.  If you’re a business owner unsure of what to do to keep your employees smiling and grateful instead of tired and spiteful, or an employee who wants to deal with your stress in a positive way, nudge is here to help.

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